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  • Aarthi Ram

Should I get Additional Coverage on my Rental Car?

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

Say you’re taking your long-awaited weekend trip to San Diego and decide that you need a rental car for the two-day trip. You go on Expedia to find the perfect Toyota Corolla, which only costs a menial $9 a day. You then proceed to checkout, but see that lingering button that claims to offer additional coverage, but you aren’t sure whether you need it or not.

It is quite possible that your personal auto insurance will offer the necessary coverage; however, this possibility is quite frankly heavily dependent on circumstance. It largely depends on the type of coverage you have as well as the protection offered by the credit card you are using to rent the car.

Before you finalize the transaction to rent the car of your choice, be sure to call both your auto insurance provider as well as your credit card company to check how much coverage you will receive. Most of the time, your auto insurance will offer collision and comprehensive coverage; however, keep in mind that this coverage may not apply to every single case imposed by your rental car company.

Again, that’s why it is extremely important to double-check with your auto insurance company as well as your credit card company before finalizing a rental car. You can also make things easier and call AZ Insurance Team at 480-535-5709, and we will answer all your questions!

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