There comes a time when even the most dedicated and hard-working people need a vacation. Whether it’s a long weekend in Miami or a two week venture throughout Europe, it something that’s highly anticipated and the desire to make it perfect can be overwhelming. We’re providing you with some essential tips to make your trip as stress-free and enjoyable as possible.
Determine your goals:
Prior to picking your destination you must consider your goals. Are you looking to have a relaxing weekend spent splitting time between the beach and your hotel room? Or are you planning on being constantly on the move and experiencing as much as you can? Maybe you’re stuck in between. Regardless, your goals are extremely important when picking your destination.
Pick your destination:
Maybe you’ve been dreaming about going on that trip through Eastern Europe for years and your plan is to see as many sights and visit as many museums as possible. Is now the right time? Here are some things to consider:
Do you have enough time to do everything you want?
If you do have enough time, will it be stressful to fit everything into that time period?
Does this type of trip fit the goals of your vacation time?
If you can’t answer with a firm “Yes!” to all of these questions, them maybe now is not the time for it. You want your destination to be ideal for meeting your goals. If you want to unwind, go somewhere that you can truly relax and don’t try to squeeze in that hectic trip across a continent.

Research and plan:
Once you’ve set your goals and destination, it’s wise to do some planning to ensure you’re trip is as pleasant and stress-free as possible. Some things to research and plan out include:
Hotels: This is going to serve as your home. Find something in your price range and up to your standards
Restaurants: You should enjoy local cuisine at least once during your trip. Find which restaurant(s) receiving plenty of praise sound most appealing to you
Activities: Whether your planning on being a busy tourist or just spending one afternoon snorkeling, it’s important to make an educated decision on what you’re putting your budget towards
Cell phone service: Figure out whether or not your phone is going to be working well. This is especially important if you’ve told your boss or family that you will staying in contact while you’re gone

Prepare and prevent issues:
You don’t want something like losing a bag or having your wallet stolen ruin your vacation. Be sure to protect yourself from these incidents by:
Backing up your important documents: Be sure to have digital copies of your passport, driver’s license, visas, etc. in case of emergency.
Let your bank know: Having transactions in Phoenix one day and Brazil the next is a reason for concern for you bank. While it’s nice that your bank detects suspicious activity, you do not want your accounts to be frozen during the middle of your vacation.
Keep extra cash: Anything can happen. Maybe you’ve lost your wallet or maybe you’re realizing the budget you’ve set isn’t enough to fully enjoy yourself. Bring extra money along to prevent tragedy and encourage excitement.
Enjoy yourself:
Seemingly the most obvious aspect of all vacations, yet forgotten by many. Regardless of where you’re going or what your goals are, you want to have FUN. This main objective can be put in danger if you don’t follow these guidelines:
Don’t stress the small things: Missing the bus isn’t the end of the world. You’re not going to be late for an important meeting and there’s another one coming in 15 minutes.
Be open-minded and spontaneous: Some of the best vacation stories arise from something that wasn’t on your original agenda. Don’t limit yourself to following your exact plan.
Don’t stress about work: Sometimes you need to remain reachable and maybe even work a bit. If this is the case, plan out some time to get your work done. If not, try thinking about work as little as possible, your vacation is an escape from that part of your life.
